Screw picket fences. Live your best life. Sleep in the dirt.
Hi! I’m Tim Mathis. That’s my wife Angel.
I’ve written a few books:
Have a look. You might like them. I'm working on more.
My writing's also been featured in publications like Trail Runner, Grit City, and The Intrepid Times. I’ve been interviewed on The Art of Manliness podcast among others, and I have won awards for my short travel writing.
Send me a message through the form on the About page if you'd like to connect.
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Social media is soul-sucking, but email is actually a pretty good way to stay in touch with your favorite local indie author. So, I write things and send them to your email address. If you sign up, you’ll get the free eBook next to this blurb. You'll also get an email every few weeks with new creations about travel, the outdoors, and the meaning of life. I attach my sense of worth to high open rates, so I do the best I can. I swear I'm not spammy or annoying. You'll get something once or twice a month. I'll never ask you for money, although I do secretly hope that my emails will make you want to buy my books.