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I'm trying to save the world so I apologize for any typos.

Tim Mathis
3 min read
18 books that you didn’t know were about pilgrimage, with very short reviews.
There are a lot of great books about the way that travel changes you. Some of them are recognized as classics about pilgrimage. Most...

Tim Mathis
17 min read
A Template for DIY Pilgrimage and Backyard Adventure: Lessons from an Urban Thru-Hike in Portland
Lessons about DIY pilgrimage, backyard adventures, and urban thru-hiking from a really long walk in Portland.

Tim Mathis
16 min read
Go alone, but take people with you: Individual pilgrimage as a community endeavor.
Reflections from the Pacific Crest Trail about pilgrimage as both a solo endeavor and a community event.

Tim Mathis
13 min read
Travel is my church: Using ritual to turn your trip into a pilgrimage (Go on, make it weird!)
I know "ritual" can seem creepy, but embrace it. Do odd things. Watch your trip become life-changing.

Tim Mathis
14 min read
How to travel with intention: Deciding what your trip is going to teach you
It feels weird to talk about things like “setting intentions for your transformational journey," but such is life.

Tim Mathis
9 min read
Why do people go on adventures? It's so simple that even a child could understand.
Adventure serves the same purpose for adults as play does for children: to learn to be human.

Tim Mathis
13 min read
Pilgrimage means finding a place with a good story and moving your ass towards it.
We've introduced the concept of a GAP Month as a reliable framework for transformational travel. In short, it's a month of goal-directed...

Tim Mathis
2 min read
84 of the world’s best long distance pilgrimage and adventure routes.
File under: GAP Month inspiration. We’re serving 1997 Angelfire realness around here, so I made this unwieldy in-no-particular-order...

Tim Mathis
8 min read
The GAP Month: How do you make travel life-changing?
The GAP Month: How to design your own transformative travel experience, based on centuries of pilgrimage wisdom.
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